
Samoset Scouting enjoys the reputation of having strong leadership, excellent camping programs and being a premier council in the nation. This is a great tribute to the volunteer and professional leadership of the organization.  All top-level Boy Scout Councils, like any “leading” organization, must constantly strive for greater accomplishments, increased impact, improved outcomes, greater retention and consistent positive public messages to capture the enthusiasm, imagination, support, and resources of their constituents and markets served.

Bring Scouting to the forefront as a community asset, help fortify relationships with community partners and assert Scouting as a partner in education by developing programs for school field trips or community guests that could be run out of existing camps. In-town programs run out of the service center aimed at encouraging urban youth to participate in outdoor activities.

Career Highlights:

My personal vision for Samoset Scouting is “to be the not-for-profit organization of community choice among community leaders, volunteers, financial supporters, and chartered organizations as it relates to a positive youth experience and development in the thirteen counties served.” There should continue to be no question that Samoset Scouting is the very best at accomplishing the stated mission:   

Samoset Council is highly effective at providing accessible & inclusive programs that prepare young people for life through:

  • Fun, challenging, outdoor experiences
  • Service to their communities
  • Leadership, teamwork, and life skills development
  • Instilling values, self-reliance, and self-confidence

Our programs are delivered by the most passionate highly trained volunteers and professional staff.

Building upon, and adding to, the strengths of the council, my vision is that Samoset Scouting achieves continued success by maximizing its potential for growth.

In the year 2021, Samoset Scouting will continue to be a Journey to Excellence Gold Council with achievement earned at that level every year; will be growing fundraising and donor relationships on all fronts; managing net surpluses in the operating funds that are advancing all funds and operations of the council and generating board reserves; growing and maintaining the current $6.2 million endowment with new gifts; have finished capital facilities improvements, have completed a 3-year strategic plan with a major emphasis on six areas: exceptional service, high quality and high value program, leader development, community outreach, telling our story and stewardship of resources.

A few thoughts on how this vision can come to life:

  1. Innovating is extremely important in all we do to keep up with the changing world including constant program development and evaluation.
  2. Capitalize on family Scouting in our new member recruiting and ensure our facilities are ready for families.
  3. Strong school relationships will continue to be a key to our success in recruiting in order to maintain and increase access to the children we wish to serve.
  4. Bring Scouting to the forefront as a community asset as a premier youth development agency.  Pilot programs out of the service center or select parks/facilities to run school field trips for team building activities with a Scouting flair. This will further engage formal education with Scouting as an informal education partner.

Such growth and innovation are achieved by enthusiastic and motivated unit and district level volunteers, supported by a highly capable, engaged and motivated Executive Board and professional staff team.